Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Teacher From HELL

Why do I have to have the teacher from hell for my drawing teacher?

He made me cry today for the second time this semester. Today was my first full day back after being so damn ill from Swine and then pneumonia. I brought in all of the homework (except for 1 that I didn't even know about it because he chose to post it on a different section on Oncourse and failed to tell me because I wasn't in class last week to which he responds with, "Well, THAT assignment is definitely late then.") and laid it out on the floor of the room next door to our classroom while he walked around it and just looked at it.

There were 6 drawings on the floor. He looked at 2. And only commented on 1. Wow.

And of course, it wasn't anything good. He told me that I'm "not doing it right" and that I need to work on drawing tonally. We're all STILL confused as to what he means by that exactly...and it's almost the 3rd month of classes.

Then he asks me, "So, do you have your 5 in-class drawings for your midterm grade?" I just looked at him, confused. "I thought it was your 5 best drawings, whether they were homework or not, and that's what I brought." He replies, "No, it's just in class-drawings." I look at him, again very confused. "Well, I don't even think I've been in class long enough to have 5 in-class drawings."

His response? "That's unfortunate."

WTF?!?! Then he continues by telling me that I REALLY need to pick it up and that he's basically starting me over, whatever that means. He said, "I want you to draw everything in this room, all of the clay faces on the wall, all of the muscle statues, and all of the skeletons, front and back. And you need to spend way more than 6 hours on each homework and really wow me in class." W...T...F...????? But that wasn't even the worst part. The kicker was his extremely thoughtful line following that...

"And I know you're only taking 2 classes, Abby, so you have more than enough time to do all of this."

I literally dropped my jaw. WTF is wrong with you, asshole?! As if I don't have a full-time job, too...yeah, let's just forget that. And the fact that I only missed in class drawings because I was sick and yet STILL managed to have all of my homework done AND a few other drawings that I did in place of the in-class drawings I missed!!!

After all of this, he says, "Ok! Let's get back to work!" and leaves me to clean up all of my drawings without talking to me or anything and right before slamming the door on me says, "Turn off the lights and shut the door when you're done."


After I cried in the hallway while on the phone with Brandon, I return to class just knowing that he's going to fail me no matter what I do. Clearly I looked upset and other people in the class could tell. I mentioned my fear of being failed to a few classmates and they confided in me how much they dislike him as well and how horrible of a teacher he is.

Then during a break, I'm standing in a corner just waiting for the model to come back so I can continue WOWING him when I hear him talking to a classmate about the movie Texas Chainsaw Massacre. The classmate says, "You know it was based on a true story, right?" and my terrific "professor" replies with, "Are you fucking kidding me?! No fucking way! You're lying! That's not fucking true!"

Now, I don't mind it if a teacher drops a curse word here and there but he curses ALL THE TIME and takes no shame in dropping the f-bomb as much as possible. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I didn't think that was proper classroom etiquette. I've always thought he wasn't very nice, but today he was just plain rude, inconsiderate, and improper. He's a teacher, for FUCK'S sake! Since when is it OK for a teacher to curse freely in front of his students while in the classroom?! 

He has really upset me. There's no way I can draw EVERYTHING in that classroom. Not only do I not have the time, it's not fair because no one else had to! If I technically have to make up all of the in-class work, then I should only have about 5 more drawings to do.

There are like 15 clay heads on that classroom wall. FUCK THAT.

Tomorrow, I'm going to try to go to the head of the art department because not only is he treating me unfairly, but his behavior in class is just completely unacceptable. I'm sorry I missed class but in light of the Swine hitting IU's campus, every department has changed its policies about absences for this semester, meaning anyone who feels sick must remain at home, send an email to their professors, and they don't need a doctor's note. Even though this would apply to me, I can do one better...I have a doctor's note for EVERY SINGLE CLASS I'VE MISSED. I've basically spent the last month and a half at the Health Center. So, they are ALL excused and I even put forth the effort to complete ALL of my homework while sick!

I don't understand his behavior towards me or in general, for that matter. My art history professor allowed me to make up the midterm today and asked me how I was feeling, spoke with me about the weather and about life in general, and took a walk with me! He understands that I'm going through a very tough time now that I simply have no control over. He treats me like a person and not a dog and I'm so grateful for that! I know he won't treat me any differently than the other students, and he shouldn't. I'm not asking for a handout...just a little understanding. I'm not even asking ANYTHING from my drawing teacher! I completed all of the homework while sick!

Unfortunately, my drawing teacher is just adding to my depression, which is just GREAT for my health. Thanks, professor. Please, go back to where you came from. And just in case you don't get it, let me put it in terms you'll understand: FUCK YOU.


  1. I would bring some of this up with an advisor/someone in the art school. You've had doctor's notes and this should have been handled more professionally. I'm surprised the sofa hasn't created plans for dealing with this kind of situation in studio classes because other departments seem to be taking it seriously enough.

    The demands they place on students in those studio art classes can get a bit rediculous, sometimes.

    I imagine he's probably some momma's boy arteest that has never worked a full-time job in his life like you are right now. Financial sustainability and learning art aren't compatible, apparently.

  2. Abby honey keep it together. This guy sounds like an a hole but try not to let him get the best of you. You've been through so much and the end is in sight. Keep the attitude you have now..FU..and just do the best you can. So what if you don't ace the class, just pass. You don't need any more stress in your life. I miss you tons and can't wait to see you. Can't believe I'm wishing time away at my age but Iam excited about you and the guys coming for the holidays. We'll have a big celebration, Christmas, birthday and graduation...who could ask for anything more!!! Love Ya

  3. Thanks folks for all of your support! I am going to speak with someone in the department next week because this just seems really ridiculous to me.

    Anonymous, who are you?! You MUST be either Aunt Dale, Miga, or my mother!! LOL!
