So, after writing a previous post of mine, I must admit...I'm still bothered by the fact that I have gained weight and that it bothers some people close to me. However, I have come to realize that it's really just their negative self-image being projected onto me.
Now, I am in no way very confidant of a person when it comes to physical attributes. But I am so disappointed in our society. It creates these near impossible standards for our girls/woman to live up to. I am NEVER going to look like Megan Fox or Jennifer Aniston...and to be honest, I don't want to. I am still traumatized by the first photo I ever saw of Megan Fox...she resembled an ugly transvestite. And as for Aniston...well, her face looks like a bony bronzed foot. I mean, if you would like to fashion your looks into an ugly transvestite or a bony bronzed foot, then please, look up to these "fine" actresses. However, I'd like to invite you to take a look at Kate Winslet in all of her curvacious beauty. She defies the norm and STILL doesn't hesitate when taking her clothes off (in almost every movie)! Or how about one of my favorites, Queen Latifah? This "Mamma" struts to the beat of her own drum and as a spokeswoman for Covergirl (their best move yet, I might add), brings in a certain light of REALITY back into our adds and commercials. She loves her body and shows it...which is why most of us have learned to love her body, too.
So now, I ask Hollywood to please, stop publicizing tiny waistlines and unhealthy eating habits just because it has become the norm for our society. If there is anything that can change this outlook, it's Hollywood and ALL that comes with it. We must embrace our bodies as they are now. And if you aren't happy with it, feel free to change it but how YOU want to...not how Jennifer Aniston and Megan Fox do.
On that note, I had to meet with a doctor last week (just a routine check-up) and she had a little red flyer up in her office that immediately caught my attention. She let me keep it (it was her last one and she kindly pealed it off of her wall for me to cherish!) and I am now trying to read it everyday so that I can truly embrace my body in all of it's glory! I have rewritten a copy below for anyone who wishes to defy the norm with me and LOVE YOUR BODY...just as it is. : )
* Become aware of what your body does each day, as the instrument of your life, not just an ornament for others.
* Think of your body as a tool. Create a list of all the things you can do with this body. (My boyfriend and I enjoyed discussing this one...: ) )
* Walk with your head held high, supported by pride and confidence in yourself as a person.
*Do something that will let you enjoy your body. Stretch, dance, walk, sing, take a bubble bath, get a massage. (I'd like to add 'safe sex' and 'masturbation' to this point as they are GREAT ways to 'enjoy your body'.) : )
* Wear comfortable styles that you really like and feel good. (I will no longer be ashamed of my jeans and t-shirt look!)
* Decide what you would rather do with the hours you waste everyday criticizing your body. (Every time I say something negative about my body, Brandon recites this point to me. Every...time...)
* Describe 10 positive things about yourself without mentioning your appearance. (This one is tough, but I hope to get there soon.)
* Say to yourself, "Life is too short to waste my time hating my body this way."
* Don't let your weight or shape keep you from doing things you enjoy. (I can't wait to be at the beach!!! Even though everyone will be running away in fear as Abby the Whale hurdles onto the beach...and in comes Brandon, "Isn't there something you would rather do with the time you waste criticizing your body, Abby")
* Create a list of people who have contributed to your life, your community, the world. Was their appearance important to their success and accomplishments? If not, why should yours be?
* If you had only one year to live, how important would your body image and appearance be?
I hope this list inspires others to join me in loving our bodies!! Good luck!!!