Fall Swiftly
*dedicated to Jay Brandon Budzon
I weep for you, soft love,
weep as a daisy
after kind spring rain.
Patient shadows
grazing the fingertips of the willows
in sweet wait
for my own love's true heart.
If I was ever less than perfect,
forgive me.
But never did I turn from your light
or fall victim to the disease of lust.
You become a private wind
bound to the grass,
bound to the belly of the jay
as he soars over precious lands;
lands that mirror the beauty of your face
and the breathlessness of your soul.
Fall swiftly to me...
open arms in lover's kiss.
And you will save me
from all that is vicious here,
all that remains empty
and lacking the grace of your eyes,
two caramel orbs,
painted from my deep dreams.
You are the merry heart
singing me lightly into rest.
Would you be taciturn,
I would withdraw my soul
from your silent grasp
and surrender myself only to death.
But with faith you are joyous
and call me into your heaven.
Fall swiftly to me, kind love.
I will cloak you with desire
and cleanse your soul
with the passion and tranquility
of a thousand saints.
You will hold my last breath,
waiting for the finest of times
when my soul is swept
by a most feverish ocean;
pushed to a new birth
with you, my companion, at my side.
Fall swiftly to me
for your skies are littered
with the damp, gray clouds of doubt.
Fall swiftly to me, my dear.
Let love's blind sighs
was you over and whittle your naked heart
so that it fits mine.
Fall swiftly to me.
Fall swiftly to me for without you,
I am quite lonesome.
And without your love
there are neither treasures nor joys
to be had in this world.
December 19, 2009